Sunday, February 3, 2013

my week in instagram #33

my clean dorm room // taking pictures in the fog with Amy // my favorite spot on campus // developed my first roll of film! // had another fire in our dorm thanks to the boys // me, haaah // preview weekend with some awesome prospective students // traveling down Oregon roads // photo adventure with flickr people!

This has been yet another fantastic week. You can follow all of my adventures @impulsings !

Weekly roundup (an effort to maintain my new years resolutions):

1. novel: nope. still didn't write a page. I need to get better at doing this one.
2. photos: just came back from a day of shooting, so I'm well on my way.
3. diy project: finished two, now just have to put them up for you!
4. outfit photos: done!
5. college street style: nope, didn't do this one.
6. book: almost done with my first one.
7. sketch: worked on a cute photo this week.
8. money: saving up.

Other resolutions that included more vague ideas like getting my work out there and going to meetups were successful this week. I just came back from spending a day with my friend Heather, a previous flickr friend and now a real life friend (I'll have a post about it soon). Yay for meetups! And I just learned today that three of my photos made it into the Anchorage newspaper, which is definitely big for making people be aware that I'm around, and it was incredibly exciting to wake up to that news.

I hope your week is fantastic!

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